Helped HR consulting company build an interactive reporting and action portal for its clients.

Pragmatyc helped Survey Company to build a portal which can be used by its client. On high-level, portal included flexible reports, action management workflows & a micro-survey tool to measure the impact of actions taken quickly.


The client is a globally renowned HR consulting company whose one of the flagship products is the Employee Engagement Survey. The survey is annually conducted for companies who opt for it. There were few challenges associated majorly impacting the business continuity and volume. Pragmatyc helped the client to address it through a custom BI product with workflows.


Survey Reports used to be manually processed & generated consuming more time & manpower.

Customers were not driven enough to act on the findings shared, leading to a risk of increased perception of reduced use of the survey exercise.

Due to a lack of action from the customer side, the relevance of consulting services provided by the client on the top of the survey report shared was reducing.

Client was not having any tool to engage with its customers for 1 year once the survey is done.

Owing to a backlog of recommended actions pending from the last survey, companies used to be reluctant to take a survey in the consecutive year making business continuity a challenge.

Reports were static, the end client was not able to deep dive into the report. So if the client needed data processed in a certain way, it was effort heavy for Survey Company to provide it that way

If any client takes action, to measure the result/impact it had to wait for next year's survey.

How to encourage clients to act.


The product was partnered by Pragmatyc end to end from Ideation to market launch.

Being a very data-heavy application, Pragmatyc laid down a robust & scalable architecture to support the complexity of reporting.

UI/UX consulting and design was done to achieve interactivity and handle the complexity of the data presented. It was achieved through a systematic framework to make it more engaging for clients to use

Pragmatyc researched and done the seamless integration of varied third-party libraries for graphs & charts.

Faster Response time for slicing and dicing of reports achieved through the use of Angular.js frontend technology

Custom BI coupled with relevant workflows for action management and the micro survey was developed using PHP Laravel as backend technology.

Integration is done with survey platform through ETL


85% time saving on data processing and report generation.

Customer stickiness increased by 43%.

3X Increase in taking actions by clients observed.

The Act-Re-evaluate-Feedback cycle got shortened to as low as 1 month from a year.

Micro-level Insights became possible till Manager Level, making more specific Diagnosis of scope areas possible.

Seamless integration of open source graphs ensured no commercial dependency on third party components`

Technologies and Tools

Web Angular JS, HTML, CSS, SASS, JQuery, PHP 7.0, Laravel Framework.

Server AWS EC2,

Storage AWS S3

Database AWS RDS - MySQL

ETL Talend

Custom BI D3JS,

Case Studies
Client Success Stories
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