Driving an Insta printer journey from negative to positive user sentiments​

Pragmatyc helped a multinational printer brand to renovate their existing poorly performing app into delightful user experience which saw ratings going above 4.5 stars from around 2 and user count increasing at least four fold.


A photo is a great tool to capture memories, however in today’s era where we live overwhelmed with the amount of digital pics around us, a printed photo has its own importance.

Our client is a seasoned player in the photography industry in developing devices that do instant capturing & printing of photos. It is about one such product of client, where it also provided an app along with the product, for letting users interact with their camera-printer. The app enabled user for editing the currently captured moment or even any image previously existing in the phone’s memory. The app was also meant to command instant printing of the image.

However the app was not functioning properly the way it was needed to be, generating negative perception about it in its users. Pragmatyc helped client addressing the issue by rejuvenating their existing app, resulting in tremendous increase in user engagement.


The App was having bad user reviews, Low rating & number of active users were also declining.

The major reason behind negative response was the printing related bugs. Printing and connectivity with the product was not working on the iOS platform.

Also, the App was responding slowly while connecting with the product using Bluetooth.

Moreover, the App UI was not friendly, adding to the challenge.


Pragmatyc thoroughly analyzed the app & identified the issues. It was found that the app needs complete rejuvenation.

The primary issue with printing was fixed and it started working fine in iOS.

More fresh and user-friendly UI was worked out.

Complete redesign and rebuild of the architecture was done.

The features like in-app search and Bluetooth pairing were added with the product.


Andorid App rating increased from 2.1 to 4.5 on Google playstore

iOS App rating increased from 2.8 to 4.6 on Appstore.

The user count surged on both platforms more than 4X.

Technologies and Tools

Web codeigniter v 3.1.9

Mobile Swift 3.2V, XCode 9, Android Studio 2.3 ,java (Android, iPhone)

Server AWS Elastic Beanstalk,s3

Database MySQL RDS

Case Studies
Client Success Stories
We have delivered digital products in healthcare, education, consumer electronics, construction etc. employing loT,
Al and many other technologies relevant to the solution.

Helping an Insta Printer App boost their User Count by 4x

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